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Organic Online

About the Business

Organic agriculture protects the health of people and the planet by reducing the overall exposure to toxic chemicals from synthetic pesticides that can end up in the ground, air, water, and food supply, and that are associated with health consequences, from asthma to cancer. Because organic agriculture doesn’t use toxic and persistent pesticides, choosing organic products is an easy way to help protect ourselves. collects these fresh and chemical-free products from the various NGOs around Bangladesh who are advised and control by the well-known PKSF. After collecting from the sources we test these products in our lab and pack it carefully and cordially. Then we deliver it to the clients. We have got our own test laboratory and showroom, where you can have a visit and you can see with your own eyes.  We can assure you about the quality of the product and service. Your satisfaction is our prime target. These are the few reasons for choosing us without any hesitation.


+88 096 7866 1122



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