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Cabra Feixet



About the Brand
The Cooperativa Agrícola Catala Sant Isidre del Perelló is the main economic, labour and cultural engine from a village which is deep-rooted to the land.
Our crops represent the historical legacy of Mediterranean culture.
El Perelló is located in the Baix Ebre region, in the South of Catalonia. Its geographical ubication makes that its lands are touched by the Mediterranean Sea and walled by Serra del Boix mountains. The variety of its landscape contributes to the existence of a wide variety of fruits with unique characteristics.
They are also the tourists who, captivated by the diversity of its shapes, come to visit El Perelló and the nature that surrounds it. The infinite paths among our fields attract a great quantity of sightseers and cyclist every year.
Our task as a Cooperative consists in enforcing the bonds between our visitors and the land they step on, that is why we provide them with our farmer’s products, both online and at our store, in order to let them enjoy a completely immersive experience of the region.

+34 977 490 037


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