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About the Brand

For generations, the lifestyle of the Jadrijević family from Primošten, nicknamed Brne, has been associated with working the land. Cultivating the land, growing vines and olives, the fruits of the whole family's work enabled its survival even in difficult times. The personal connection with each vine, with each olive tree shows passion for what we do and love. Today, our family represents the fourth active generation of the Jadrijević, Brnin winegrowers, winemakers and olive growers from Primošten. Viticulture has been a family passion for many years. In our oldest vineyard, Kremik, there is still a well with the year 1920 engraved on it. Our love for the vine motivates us, and we spend many hours a year cultivating and tending the vineyards at the locations of Bucavac and Kremik. The entire process from wine production to the final product, a bottle of grandma on the table, it is primarily a family business that we do independently. Joint family grape harvests and olive harvests are still woven into our lives today through memories and care for vineyards and old olive groves, but also for enjoying the fruits of their labor - feasting on a good drop of babić and olive oil. Some things don't change and they shouldn't. We always keep in mind where we come from, what we inherited and what value we want to leave for the future, which is family tradition and the quality of our wine and oil.


+385 0 91 883 8135


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